Boiler Treatment
Improving Boiler Efficiency
POSCA boiler water treatment is a synergistic blend of chemicals which help achieve clean heat transfer surfaces

POSCA Boiler Treatment
Maximum Boiler Efficiency
POSCA products and equipment save money by reducing blow down that consumes water and energy. Maintaining clean heat transfer surfaces allows the system to harness more energy to consistently deliver peak performance.
For additional information on our POSCA products application in boilers See More.
POSCA Boiler Treatment
Reduce Heat Loss
Mineral deposits on boiler tubes rob you of efficiency. As little as 1/16th of an inch of boiler scale can cost you more than 12% in additional fuel consumption, and lead to tube failure from overheating.
POSCA Boiler Treatment
Hydronic Systems
The goal of CH2O’s HYDRO-TREATTM series products is to help protect hydronic systems. Dissolved oxygen and other constituents in water are known to attack construction metals. Also, biological activity is known to infect these systems and attack metal components. CH2O’s HYDRO-TREATTM series products provide corrosion inhibition, and CH2O’s BIO-GUARDTM series products are EPA registered to help control biological growth. Together they create a comprehensive program to treat hydronic system water. This program reduces maintenance costs.

Making Water Work For You™
“With Fresh-Pak, we maintain that quality but with much less labor. We’ve experienced less repack with Chlorine Dioxide, which also reduces labor.”
Sherry White, Pride Packing Co
“This season we didn’t have any issues with plugged drip emitters like we have had before, and that’s big. That’s why it’s important to use a product like Sure Flow”
Jim Halvorson, Smith Gardens
“We’re definitely glad we made the change”
Jan Daley, Stadelman Fruit Inc.